Altar Servers are a necessary liturgical function by assisting priests and deacons before, during, and after the liturgy. They are chosen from volunteer candidates who are in the 4th grade through high school and have received the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist. Altar Servers assist the celebrant at Sunday Masses, Eucharistic Adoration, as well as other liturgies throughout the year. For more information, contact the parish office at [email protected] or 504-835-0324.
Click HERE for the Ministry Pro Scheduler.
The Live Stream Ministry is dedicated to making the sacred liturgy available to the sick and homebound of our community. Serving on a scheduled rotation, volunteers manage our newly installed camera system to create a high-quality live stream video to our at home parishioners. Volunteers also serve as needed for special occasions such as First Communion, Confirmation, and funerals. The system is easy to use, requiring roughly a 20 minute training. We welcome any adult or teen willing to serve. If you are interested in becoming trained for or learning about this ministry, contact the Parish Office at 504-835-0324 or
[email protected]
Click HERE for the Ministry Pro Scheduler.
This ministry is designed for Pre-K 4, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders. Volunteer leaders breakdown the Sunday readings for our little ones through sharing stories and singing songs during 9:30am Mass. Any child in this age group may participate. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 504-835-0324.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) offer the Body and Blood of Christ at our weekday and weekend Masses and assist in bringing Holy Communion to homebound of our parish. Before beginning in this ministry, interested persons meet for an interview with Father Beau and then must participate in a basic formation workshop conducted by the Archdiocesan Office of Worship, with a follow-up session here in the parish.
Upon completion of the training, the Archbishop then delegates them for a five-year term of service. Those who come forward for this ministry must be 18 years of age, have received the sacraments of initiation and, if married, be validly married in the Church. Those who minister Holy Communion must be faithful to Sunday Mass, have a true devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
For more information contact the parish office at [email protected].
Click HERE for the Ministry Pro Scheduler.
The Funeral Ministry consists of parishioners, (Liturgy Assistants), who help the family plan the liturgy for the funeral with emphasis on family member participation, if this is desired. At the planning session, which takes about an hour, readings are chosen and copies are given for the participants. Since live music is an integral part of Catholic funerals, the Liturgy Assistant contacts the Director of Music with the songs chosen. The Director of Music in turn contacts the organist and cantor. The Assistant attends the funeral and acts as a guide for the participants. We offer our support, love and compassion in their time of need. For more information, please contact Lynne Parks at [email protected].
Readers proclaim the readings of Scripture at Weekday and Weekend Masses. Readers meet with Deacon Nick Chetta for an orientation and receive a Reader workbook that assists them with the mass readings. For more information, contact Deacon Nick Chetta at [email protected].
Click HERE for the Ministry Pro Scheduler.
Ushers are the face of our parish. They are the first people visitors and parishioners meet as they enter the church. They play an important role in our parish by helping people feel welcome and appreciated. A friendly smile or handshake goes a long way. Ushers also assist in taking up the weekly collections at Mass, as well as guiding parishioners in the Communion line at Mass. For more information, please contact Greg Corrente at [email protected] or see an usher at Mass about this rewarding ministry.
This parish-wide ministry is open to all parishioners and school families. Each weekend a family or individual agrees to receive the Vocation Cross at one of the weekend Masses and prays in their homes for vocations. After praying for vocations during the week, the cross is returned to Mass the following weekend. All are encouraged to participate and pray for vocations to the religious life. For more information, please contact Fr. Lawrence at [email protected].
Click HERE to sign up